Thursday, February 4, 2010

Soapbox Again Please

Dear Planned Parenthood:
If I have to be subjected to watching half-naked women prance around for a "" commercial during the Super Bowl, then I think your organization can stop whining about a commercial where a mother chose life for her child! I mean, are you kidding?! This is assinine! You have no problem having politicians stand up for your cause anytime an opportunity presents itself; but when someone wants to paint a clear picture about the value of life you cry "foul!"
I am not going to pass judgment on those who choose abortions. I will, however, judge you for how insanely foolish you are in your logic behind the things you say and do. It's unreal!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Agreed. They are ridic and have a double standard unlike anything I've ever seen.
