Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can you double knot your tubes?

This week Mark and I have the privilege of having our 2 oldest nephews, ages 9 and 7, stay with us. And I do want to make sure everyone understands that Mark and I do feel honored and privileged to have them here. They are awesome, awesome kids that we love and our kids adore. With that said though, I have learned a few things about myself, and our family, in the midst of all of the chaos.
So without further adeu...lessons I have learned in the 72 hours we have had 5 boys with us ages 1,3,6,7,9:
1) Next week I am going back to the doctor to have my tubes double knotted...just to make sure.
2) Mark's Christmas present this year from his lovely, generous, thoughtful wife-moi-is going to be a vasectomy.
3) Indulging your nephews is soooo fun! Indulging your kids sets your kids up for entightlement. Case in point: Zachary says to Ben, "Sorry that Drew mixed up our Pokemon cards. It's ok though, you can have my DSi. My parents will just buy me a new one."
4) Every moment of every day is totally chaotic, so in order to ensure one area of my life seems in control and "unmessy" I was on my hands and knees today just scrubbing my shower with a toothbrush. Fortunately, no one came into the room during that time or they may have seen me crouched in the corner, rocking back and forth, sucking my thumb, and talking to myself.
5) No matter how many chocolate chip cookies you make, IT IS NEVER ENOUGH.
6) Never make a promise if you can't follow through. Plan: pitch a tent in the backyard and eat popcorn and watch a movie under the stars. Reality set in when after setting up the tent in 95 degrees, no one could stand to be outside because it was too freakin' hot. So now the cool movie night has turned into a semi-cool movie night our messy family room.
7) I don't understand why boys always have to go to the bathroom whenever we are out and about...and why when they go (and by "they" I mean Drew) do they have to take their shoes, pants, and underwear a public bathroom!? I'm not sure where he learned this behavior. I am going to blame Mark, only because I have to blame someone and I can't blame God...and calling it spiritual warfare seems a little excessive.
8) Boys eat A TON.
9) In the time it takes for Mark and I to make 4 tacos kids can: spray koolaid from a water bottle all of the walls, ceiling, and floors, learn how to arm pit fart, and pee in a trashcan. Yes, all of that happened tonight. And to answer you, we have no control.
10) The greatest thing I have learned though is that memories are not made by everything always going according to plan, and being clean, tidy, and perfect. Our memories are made through laughter, chaos, and being crazy together.

And that, my friends, is why I love my wild, crazy, and wonderful family; and hope my nephews can come stay with us every summer.
Enjoying the Chaos,
The Joyful and Tired Mom