Thursday, February 25, 2010

Freakin' Porn Star

Whew...need to take a deep breath before I begin my rant. (SIGH)
I hate sin. I hate it.
I hate that people can stand at the edge of a diving board, look into a pool full of sharp knives (sin) and jump in expecting not to get hurt (thank you for that analogy Smitty). However, as her husband put it...the nature of the beast of sin is deception, so the person standing at the end of the diving board looks into the pool and doesn't see the knives everyone else sees, they see water. And although many people can say that they were deceived when they made a very obvious wrong choice-it does not lessen the pain of the one who was hurt by someone else's sin. Man, am I making any sense? Not sure if I am...and to be honest, I am not sure if I care.
What has gotten me to think about these things...a lot of stuff actually. However, I won't share the stories close to me right now about sin and its destruction. Instead, I am going to vent about one of Tiger Woods' mistresses-the freakin' porn star! Ew-she and Gloria Allred had me so fired up this past week that my way of dealing with my anger is to blog. Yeah-take that porn star and Gloria Allred!
After Tiger's apology last week-which I do believe was heartfelt and sincere-one of his former mistresses came out in tears proclaiming to anyone who would listen the injustice that had been done to her because of this scandal. I wanted to scream, then vomit, then punch a wall, then scream again, then write a letter to a major newspaper that would get published professing my outrage at this women's requests and statements regarding her relationship with Tiger. Because I can't do those things I am just going to highlight some of my favorite quotes from her, and then address them as I wish some journalist had done.

1) "I want an apology from him. I'll take a phone call, but I want to see him face-to-face. I want to look him in the eyes."
Response: Um, no. And out of curiousity, have you apologized to his wife?

2) "This scandal has brought me negative attention."
Response: 1-You're a porn star. 2-You're a porn star. 3-You're a porn star. 4-You never had to come out. Don't act as though your morality finally had a pulse and the truth just needed to come out. No, end the affair. Then confess it to the Lord-Jesus forgives. Don't run to the closest media outlet to tell your story.

3) Gloria Allred, "She thought she was the only woman in his life-other than his wife."
Response: Who do you think you are to come on here and act like a victim in all of this?!

I wish someone would call this crap out for what it is! He never should have had an affair. Never! But these women he was with also knew he was a married man, with children no how dare they play the victim!!!! They are guilty as much as he is.

Not sure if I feel much better about this, but I wanted to share my thoughts. Deception is a scary thing. People choose things in their lives that they never imagined they would or could. But that is what is so scary about the enemy. He ropes you in and deceives you and we all fall victim to it on some level. Some just fall harder than others. But I am thankful when people get caught, are brought into the light, and can then begin the process of transformation, healing, reconciling, and restoration.
Buty until that day comes I will be the justice loving,
Joyful and Tired Mom

1 comment:

  1. AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I had the same feelings on the matter and may or may not have yelled at my tv when I saw her interview.
