Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just One of Those Days

Today is just one of those days. I'm not here to offer anything profound that has spoken to me today. I'm not here to talk about some major life lesson I have learned. Nope, I'm just sitting at the computer thinking to myself, "Maybe I'll just blog. I have nothing to say accept, "Today I am a more tired mom, than a joyful one."
Ever have those days? Someone please say yes so I don't feel overwhelming guilt. Oh the guilt...I remember a piece of advice I gave a friend once before her first child was born, "Don't own the Mommy Guilt." And I have to be honest...most days I am the worst at owning and living in a mansion on Mommy Guilt Lane. It's as though I set up full residency at this place.
Oh well, this day will pass. I should have known it was going to be a rough one though when we went to Walmart this morning to go grocery shopping and an employee basically played 'chicken' with me to see who would move first. I lost. I had to haul my huge cart out of her way because she couldn't be bothered with taking 2 steps to the right to walk around me, the customer. I couldn't let go of my frustration. Seriously. I was so mad. In fact, I'm still upset about it! I have taken my Walmart grudge home and I am just makin' love to it. Never to let it go again. I even thought about calling them to tell them they lost a customer today-knowing full well that isn't the case because their prices are just too good. Such a moral delimna! :-)
Thanks for checking in on the,
Joyful, but oh so Exhausted Mom

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