Thursday, July 5, 2012

Clean Eating Adventure Extravaganza

And...I'm back. My goodness it's been awhile. It isn't because there was nothing to write about; certainly with this wild and wonderful family there is plenty to write about. (Exhibit A)
I have just either left the blogging to my hubs who is hysterical; or we have both been too exhausted to even think, much less, write, so we lay on either end of the couch together and play Draw Something or Scramble. Quite the life. But I am back today because my mind is racing. We were advised the other day to cut out all sugars and artificial coloring in food in an effort to help slow down some little brains that work overtime. In a home where the staple foods are: fruit snacks, goldfish, and Go-gurts...this seems like an overwhelming, incredibly daunting task. However, after beginning my research today, and with the help of some awesome friends, we are preparing to embark on our Clean Eating Adventure Extravaganza! To be honest though, I had no freakin' idea how much work and preparation it would take to even plan a week's worth of meals and snacks for a picky crew. But I am up for the challenge! Or atleast, that is what I am trying to convince myself. I read on the blog "100 Days of Real Food" the husband said that they were eating "real foods". I liked that. This isn't a "diet" for us. My hope is that it is a new way of living for us, that changes all of our lives for the better. I may be chronicling this process for you on my blog. That is, if I can come up with really clever titles for my blog posts; or have an especially funny story to tell~ like one of our kids throwing up at the table because he ate a pepper...yes, that has happened. Hmmm...after writing that last sentence I may need to reconsider Beet Chips as a new snack I am introducing to them this week. Oh Lord Jesus, help us. Help us enjoy the food from Your awesome creation, and not that which was created in the kitchen of Betty Crocker. Until next time...PRAY FOR US!!!!!!!!!!! The Joyful and Tired Mom


  1. Please keep us posted! I need more recipes!! Good luck- you can do it.

  2. Hey Linds! How did this go? Do you have any good recipes to pass along?
