To preface this story I need to tell you about my husband, Mark. For those of you have know him you will think this story is funny. For those who haven't gotten to know Mark you may be inclined to think he is slightly cruel and unsupportive. However, I must tell you he is neither cruel nor unsupportive. In fact, Mark is one of the kindest, most caring and generous people I know. He is hilarious and a complete joy to be around. And had I been able to see every man on this earth as a potential husband, gotten to take a glimpse of what my life would be like with each one, I can tell you I would have still chosen Mark. No one would even be a close second because Mark is absolutely perfect for me. With that said...onto my story.
Last week I decided to use a gift certificate I had won to go and get my hair done at a new place. Big big big mistake. I need to be "brand loyal" with my hairstylist, just like I am with Kraft American Cheese Singles (product placement again...pretending to be a celebrity in my own mind). Each time I have tried to save money on my hair the stylist has inevitably done something that I wasn't entirely satisfied with. Well, this time was the worst. I left the salon...after having a not-so-pleasant experience with their manager....to find that my hair was EXTREMELY dark and had a purple/red tent to it. Not flattering at all, trust me. I called a few days later and kindly told them I wasn't satisfied and would like them to try to fix it (mistake #2). I went in and the studio director was trying to convince me it wasn't that bad. I hated feeling put on the spot...I just wanted my hair fixed! I had to tell her that even my friends that would be apt to lie to make me feel better wouldn't even lie about my hair. My dad told me my hair was, "different." Ouch.
So the director tried to fix my hair. I wanted her to take the red out. Instead, I believe the red was accentuated and now I look like Sharon Osbourne! But Mark informed me on Friday that no, I do not look like Sharon Osbourne, I look like an anime character. Better yet, an anime character that shoots fireballs out of the back of her head. Awesome. I look like Japanese animation, but I don't get the real superpower (Sigh). But for the record...I don't want a fireball shooting superpower. I want to be able to clean my house and fold my laundry with the snap of my fingers.
Bottom line, I'm still upset about my salon experience. I'm not trendy enough or cool enough to own this hair color and pretend it is the new me. I am logical and thrifty enough to know though that I am going to have to make due with this mess on my head for a few more weeks before I get it done again. Until that day comes though I just hope people can recognize me, because yes, that was a problem at a wedding this past weekend.
Forever Yours,
The Joyful and Tired Dragan Ball Z
Poor Linds! You would be beautiful bald. It was great to see you :) LOVE THE BLOG!
ReplyDeleteUm...I think you look beautiful and absolutely are trendy and cool enough to pull off that hair! Seriously.