I realize there may be some people that think, "Oh my gosh, she rolls her eyes about Drew a lot. He can't be that challenging." I realize that when people ask about Drew, Mark and I always smile, laugh and then say together, "He's crazy!" But to be honest, sometimes there is no other response. Now I will preface my stories by saying that I adore Drew. I love him with every inch of who I am. He is so funny. He is so sweet. He loves his brothers. He makes the most hilarious expressions that cause Mark and I to roll with laughter every day. And we sometimes just stare at him and whisper to one another how insanely beautiful he is.

But there are moments of complete chaos that are a result of the Dweez (his awesome nickname...I only hope he is cool enough to pull it off when he is older. Mark says it's like "The Edge" from U2; I think it is more like "Screech" from Saved by the Bell...and you see how well Dustin Diamond turned out.).
I just want to share with you a few stories from the last 3 days.
Three days ago: I was in the kitchen with both boys. I had called them into the kitchen to make cookies. I was going to be a hands-on, fun mom. I wasn't in the office wasting time on people.com. No, I was engaging them and doing a project with them that we would all enjoy. As I was gathering ingredients from the pantry I turn around to see Drew on top of the stove, playing with the nobs trying to turn the burners on...while on top of the burners.

Two days ago: I had 2 friends over with their kids to have a playdate. I thought Drew (2 yrs.) and Henry (almost 2) were with Zachary (4 1/2) and Dylan (5 yrs.) in the basement. Then...I heard running water. Now this may seem morbid to some, but I am TERRIFIED of my children getting in or being in the bathtub without an adult present. TERRIFIED. I am so scared something could happen to them. Anyway... So Sarah runs upstairs to find Drew standing in a tub with nothing but hot water in it and Henry throwing clothes, underwear a towel, soap, a razor, etc. into the tub. Unbelievable!
One day ago: I sat Drew's cute, little, naked body on our bed after a bath. I ran out of the room to get him a diaper and he-first time ever-peed all over my pillow and my spot in bed!!!!! Just took a leak right in front of me. He didn't care. I called Mark to tell him I thought Drew hated me. His response through laughter, "Yes, he does." Very funny. We'll see who is laughing when someone "accidentally" sleep on that pillow tonight.

He is "constant" as his Sunday school teacher describes him...and I think that is the perfect word for him. What is challenging though is that he is constant. He is adventurous. He is curious. He is full of life. He is fearless. And he is resilient. Every quality that we could hope for our children is bottled up in Drew. It's just so hard to parent a 2 year old that is constant, adventurous, curious, and fearless. Mark and I are constantly having to reexamine how we parent him so that we can help these amazing characteristics of his grow, but also parent him with boundaries. Please Jesus, help us along the way.
The Exhausted and Thankful,
Joyful and Tired Mom

Love ya, Linds!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha..love it! He sounds delightful!
ReplyDeleteIt's very early on a Sunday morning and I'm enjoying a silent house, a cup of coffee and reading your many stories. You are wonderfully talented and you've made me laugh and cry. You've also made me realize that our children share very similar characteristics and we are not alone! Thank you for the gift...