My heart feels like it may burst with pride and excitement. After Zachary's horrible accident, 10 tv picked up his story and wanted to interview him. We initially told them no because we thought Zachary wouldn't want to do it. We asked him if the tv station could use a picture of him to tell his story to help others, and his response was, "Sure." But as I was leaving his room he said, "You know, I'd really like to be a part of the interview." Say what!?
So today was the day that our brave 9 year old sat before the camera and a broadcaster and shared his amazing story. I'm not sure how they will edit it, so I won't say much just yet. However, I will say that I am thankful for Goldfish Swim School for providing an amazing opportunity for Zachary to help others, and take one step closer to healing.
Lisa and Steve, our family adores you, and we are so thankful to God that you brought your way of teaching to Columbus. You provided Zachary with the tools necessary to keep his head above water, and swim to safety. We are forever grateful.
And by God's grace, He is redeeming something so frightening in all of our lives, for good. He always works for the good of those who love Him. And we are thankful!
Lisa and Steve, our family adores you, and we are so thankful to God that you brought your way of teaching to Columbus. You provided Zachary with the tools necessary to keep his head above water, and swim to safety. We are forever grateful.
And by God's grace, He is redeeming something so frightening in all of our lives, for good. He always works for the good of those who love Him. And we are thankful!
love you all! Julie J