Again, totally different, equally as wonderful, but totally different children.
The other night we were reading the Christmas story to the boys before bed.
Zachary: Mommy, if Jesus is God's Son, why didn't God marry Mary?
Me: Um, because God....Mark?
Mark: It was different. God put Jesus in Mary's belly.
Zachary: Yeah, but isn't that what he does for every baby?
Mark: (crickets...)
Me: Well, God had intended for Mary to marry Joseph, but he had a plan for Jesus so he put Jesus in Mary's belly in a special way. Make sense?
Zachary: Yeah.
Whew! Sex talk crisis averted! Not ready for the birds and the bees discussion with my 8 year.
Theological crisis averted. If you'll remember, the last time Zachary started asking questions he ended up in tears (Debating Systematic Theology with a 5 Year Old). I'm still figuring this parenting thing out, don't judge.
Anyway, while I love the way Zachary thinks and has a quest for knowledge and understanding and truth, sometimes I can handle the more simple-minded children with a little more ease.
While watching America's Funniest Home Videos last night with the boys we saw a clip of a kid eating his boogers.
Drew: (laughing) I do that.
Mark: Don't do that Drew, that's gross.
Drew: Yeah, but I don't do it at birthday parties.
Oh my bad, we thought you were totally gross; but you clearly have standards. High five dude!
And then there was Nate, 2 nights ago at the zoo.
Nate: Mommy, I just did this with my finger in my nose, and then put it in my mouth.
Me: Nate, sweetie, don't do that.
Nate: Why?
Me: Because, that's gross and you are putting germs in your mouth that could make you sick.
Nate: (Eating another booger with a huge smile) Yeah, but it's good!
Me: Uh, Zachary...want to discuss predestination vs. free will?
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
The Joyful and Tired Mom
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