Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I am not even going to pretend that this isn't the grossest story-EVER! I mean, when Zachary was a baby he took his diaper off and smeared his poop all over his crib. A few weeks ago Drew tried changing his own dirty pull-up and inadvertently wiped poop all over his face. I nasty. But this story, to me, is MUCH MUCH MUCH NASTIER. So here it goes...those with a weak stomach beware.

This morning I woke up extra early to jump on the treadmill before anyone woke up. I came downstairs, went to the bathroom, and then rushed downstairs to maximize my time. 2 hours later everyone is, ofcourse, awake (everyone, but the sun). As I was finishing writing out our Christmas lists for Mark's mom I thought in my head, "Hmmm...where is Nate?" I had a rush of panic go through me and I quickly went and peeked into the laundry room-no Nate. I then turned and saw Nate standing at the open toilet, with my used toilet paper in his mouth, from my unflushed toilet, sucking on the toilet paper. SUCKING ON THE TOILET PAPER!!!!!!! I mean, oh my gosh! I am totally appauled! At myself. At my sweet child. At the entire situation. I'm kindof even appauled that I shared this in a blog, but you know what, as parents...we are all in this imperfect world of parenting together. And we can either laugh about this stuff or cry. And I have to laugh about this or I would certainly by spending the better part of my morning sobbing into my pillow.

The Newly Reformed Diligent Flusher,
The Joyful and Tired Mom


  1. Oh how I feel your pain... earlier this week, Coby and I were trying to get out the door, and I was talking on the phone and throwing my hair up at the same time... only to turn around and see Coby with a dixie cup (from the trash can of course), dipping it in the toilet, and I am ripping it out of his hand as he is drinking the contents. Luckily the toilet was flushed, but to say clean would be a gross exaggeration!

  2. This is the BEST story. I read it to my mom... we were both catching our breath laughing. So funny!
