I love the lens through which my children see life. And I love when they try to understand things you tell them or teach them, and their brilliant little minds interpret things in the greatest most wonderful ways.
My stories today are about Zachary. He has been at the peak of his cuteness game lately.
Almost every night before bed we say his memory verses from Sunday school.
One of the verses is, "Even chidren show what they are like by how they act. You can tell they are good if what they do is right." -Psalm 20:11
He has been saying this verse for a few months and we just discovered that when it says, "you can tell they are good if what they do is right." He has thought they meant "write."
So each day as he terrorizes his brothers (well, Drew terrorizes him and he screams a lot) he thought he was still being good because he could write. Bless his little heart.
And then last night, my favorite...
I should preface this story by telling you Zachary is obsessed with Mario Brothers right now. He loves the cartoon from the early 80's. He loves playing Mario Kart. But mostly, he loves watching Mark play when Mark gets home from work because that is Zachary's reward for doing so well at school.
So last night I said to Zachary, "Buddy, one day when you get married I want you to be as nice to your wife as daddy is to me."
You could tell he was trying to understand and said, "Oh, so you mean one day I would let you play Mario and let you have the 1UP's."
All I could say was, "Yes buddy, that is exactly what I mean."
Then I glared at Mark because he seems to ALWAYS grab the 1UP's (extra lives). Hahahaha.
Just 2 quick little stories about Zachary. Nothing spectacularly funny, just unbelievably sweet.
Thankful for how he sees life,
The Joyful and Tired Mom