Gosh, my title sounds like it would be a great song-"Sitting in Time Out." If I were a song writer I would totally use it and take over Nick Jr. from Laurie Berkner with my creativity, fun, music, and adorably colorful outfits (or in my case, sweatpants).
What would inspire me to want to write a song about time-out? It isn't because Zachary and Drew deserved about 10 before 7:15 this morning. Nope. It is because I was put in time-out today by my 2 year old. And it was so ridiculously cute that I actually went along with it. (Cue the gasps from childhood discipline specialists.)
I just want to share with you the last 5 minutes I shared with Drew before he went down for his nap.
Standing up from lunch Drew looks at me, "I pooping."
Me: "You're pooping?"
Drew: "Yeah."
"Do you want to go on the potty?"
"Why not?"
"Cuz, I pooping now."
"I see that, but why don't you want to go on the potty."
"Um, cuz, cuz, cuz, I love pooping."
"Okay, well Dweez, lay down so I can change you."
He proceeds to lay down and while laying down I accidentally spilled milk from Nate's bottle on his leg.
Drew: "Mommy! You in time-out."
Me: "What? You want to put me in time-out?"
"You in time-out for doing dat. You 'pilled milk on me!"
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you are ok with walking around in your own poop, but milk is where you draw the line."
"You in time-out. Did you hear my words? Did you hear my words? You in time-out. Come on, let's go."
He then grabbed my hand and walked me to his time-out mat. Then he sat down next to me and started singing me "Jesus Loves Me."
I mean, honestly, how cute is that?!!!!!! I'm reprimanded by my 2 year old, only to be reminded of God's great love for me. :-)
Loving my boys-even in time-out,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Love the Lens
I love the lens through which my children see life. And I love when they try to understand things you tell them or teach them, and their brilliant little minds interpret things in the greatest most wonderful ways.
My stories today are about Zachary. He has been at the peak of his cuteness game lately.
Almost every night before bed we say his memory verses from Sunday school.
One of the verses is, "Even chidren show what they are like by how they act. You can tell they are good if what they do is right." -Psalm 20:11
He has been saying this verse for a few months and we just discovered that when it says, "you can tell they are good if what they do is right." He has thought they meant "write."
So each day as he terrorizes his brothers (well, Drew terrorizes him and he screams a lot) he thought he was still being good because he could write. Bless his little heart.
And then last night, my favorite...
I should preface this story by telling you Zachary is obsessed with Mario Brothers right now. He loves the cartoon from the early 80's. He loves playing Mario Kart. But mostly, he loves watching Mark play when Mark gets home from work because that is Zachary's reward for doing so well at school.
So last night I said to Zachary, "Buddy, one day when you get married I want you to be as nice to your wife as daddy is to me."
You could tell he was trying to understand and said, "Oh, so you mean one day I would let you play Mario and let you have the 1UP's."
All I could say was, "Yes buddy, that is exactly what I mean."
Then I glared at Mark because he seems to ALWAYS grab the 1UP's (extra lives). Hahahaha.
Just 2 quick little stories about Zachary. Nothing spectacularly funny, just unbelievably sweet.
Thankful for how he sees life,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
My stories today are about Zachary. He has been at the peak of his cuteness game lately.
Almost every night before bed we say his memory verses from Sunday school.
One of the verses is, "Even chidren show what they are like by how they act. You can tell they are good if what they do is right." -Psalm 20:11
He has been saying this verse for a few months and we just discovered that when it says, "you can tell they are good if what they do is right." He has thought they meant "write."
So each day as he terrorizes his brothers (well, Drew terrorizes him and he screams a lot) he thought he was still being good because he could write. Bless his little heart.
And then last night, my favorite...
I should preface this story by telling you Zachary is obsessed with Mario Brothers right now. He loves the cartoon from the early 80's. He loves playing Mario Kart. But mostly, he loves watching Mark play when Mark gets home from work because that is Zachary's reward for doing so well at school.
So last night I said to Zachary, "Buddy, one day when you get married I want you to be as nice to your wife as daddy is to me."
You could tell he was trying to understand and said, "Oh, so you mean one day I would let you play Mario and let you have the 1UP's."
All I could say was, "Yes buddy, that is exactly what I mean."
Then I glared at Mark because he seems to ALWAYS grab the 1UP's (extra lives). Hahahaha.
Just 2 quick little stories about Zachary. Nothing spectacularly funny, just unbelievably sweet.
Thankful for how he sees life,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
Friday, September 10, 2010
What is it with boys?
What is it with boys? Why do they all gravitate toward bathroom humor? And why is it that my 2 year old thinks that making potty jokes is absolutely hysterical!? Are they genetically wired to fake burp, toot, and pretend anything that sprays water is an extra "thing" to use to go to the bathroom?!!!!
This picture doesn't do it justice, but...
Zachary and Drew (and yes, I CONFESS, both parents) spent a good amount of time laughing ridiculously hard this morning while Drew pretended to go to the bathroom while using the hose as a prop.

Why? Why? Why?
Going to dress like a princess and have a tea party with myself,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
This picture doesn't do it justice, but...
Zachary and Drew (and yes, I CONFESS, both parents) spent a good amount of time laughing ridiculously hard this morning while Drew pretended to go to the bathroom while using the hose as a prop.

Why? Why? Why?
Going to dress like a princess and have a tea party with myself,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Be Positive, Atleast You Aren't Drinking"
Today was a doozy...and not the good kind of Double Doozy at the cookie shop at our mall. It was a rough one. My friend Stephanie told me today to just have zero expectations except to make it through the day. I did lower my expectations, but seriouly, I would like to have the bar raised high enough that I expect them to act like humans. Seriously, today they were like feral children. At one point I was cleaning the kitchen and they were in the room next to me and I heard something slam to the floor-what was it? Oh, a rock...not a pebble...A ROCK! They were playing catch with a large rock while their baby brother sat on the floor watching them, totally amused. Lots of screaming. Lots of fighting. Lots of telling on each other. Lots of making mommy want to cry, or just eat tons of chocolate and chips.
And that is what I did. We went to a cheap little mexican restaurant by our house. I ate tons of tortilla chips, and then I walked over to the ice cream shop and got 2scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone and devoured it before I made it home. My stomach is so full that I may look pregnant. And if anyone were to ask me if I were I think I may lie and just tell them 'yes.' And then when they ask how far along I am I'll tell them I am due in 2 weeks. That way they will think, 'Wow, that woman looks amazing for being ready to have a baby.' Yep, I have thought a lot about this.
Honestly though, the boys fought the bulk of the morning. But immediately after I dropped Zachary off at school Drew says to me, "I miss my best friend Zach-y." Melt my heart.
As much as they fight, they still love each other more than I can even comprehend. And as grouchy as I was with them today Zachary still looked at me on the way into school and said, "I wanted to give you lots of hugs and kisses to make you feel better." I am melting again. My heart, and myself because apparently I am like the wicked witch of the west. "I'm Melting!"
Oh well, "His mercies are new every morning." So I look forward to a new day.
I just wish this day would end now though. Nate and Drew are still awake and covered in snot and dog hair.
This too shall pass,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
And that is what I did. We went to a cheap little mexican restaurant by our house. I ate tons of tortilla chips, and then I walked over to the ice cream shop and got 2scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone and devoured it before I made it home. My stomach is so full that I may look pregnant. And if anyone were to ask me if I were I think I may lie and just tell them 'yes.' And then when they ask how far along I am I'll tell them I am due in 2 weeks. That way they will think, 'Wow, that woman looks amazing for being ready to have a baby.' Yep, I have thought a lot about this.
Honestly though, the boys fought the bulk of the morning. But immediately after I dropped Zachary off at school Drew says to me, "I miss my best friend Zach-y." Melt my heart.
As much as they fight, they still love each other more than I can even comprehend. And as grouchy as I was with them today Zachary still looked at me on the way into school and said, "I wanted to give you lots of hugs and kisses to make you feel better." I am melting again. My heart, and myself because apparently I am like the wicked witch of the west. "I'm Melting!"
Oh well, "His mercies are new every morning." So I look forward to a new day.
I just wish this day would end now though. Nate and Drew are still awake and covered in snot and dog hair.
This too shall pass,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So Lucky
I was watching Mark play with our boys today and all I could think was, "Gosh, our kids are so lucky to have a dad like you." He is totally remarkable with them every day. And the way he can jump into their world and their imaginations is nothing short of incredible.
I suppose I notice these things more and more each day because as our boys are getting into 'bad guys' and playing 'mario and luigi' themselves-not through a video game-I am becoming painfully aware that there isn't an ounce of imaginative play in me. I said to Mark last night, "I am just so NOT creative." He was like, "Yes you are." Oh really? Should I scrapbook with our boys? I am sure they would love it.
And to be honest, that truly is the extent of my creativity. Actually, I take that back. One day about 7 months ago I had a great day coming up with fun things for our kids to do. We made homemade placemats and went to get them laminated, and then I built them a fort that they played in for 7 minutes. It was awesome! Still one of my best mom days. Ha.
It is wonderful to watch Mark play with the kids for hours, and become whatever character it is they want him to play. Yesterday Drew asked me if I would fight bad guys with him and he had his "sword blankie" to beat them. My response, "Sure. You lead the way." I mean, where are the bad guys? The one time I tried yesterday I got on the floor and started to growl and Drew told me I was doing it wrong. Why is it that I can't see their imaginative world and Mark can?
Not only does Mark become anything they want, and it is better than they even imagined. But in watching Mark anyone can see that he is totally having fun with them. I mean, legitimately having a blast playing with them! I, on the other hand, look at the clock...feel like an hour has passed...look again, and 5 minutes have gone by. Uh. What is it God wants me to learn as a mom of three amazing and imaginative little boys? And how can I embrace their world more completely?
Help me Jesus,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
I suppose I notice these things more and more each day because as our boys are getting into 'bad guys' and playing 'mario and luigi' themselves-not through a video game-I am becoming painfully aware that there isn't an ounce of imaginative play in me. I said to Mark last night, "I am just so NOT creative." He was like, "Yes you are." Oh really? Should I scrapbook with our boys? I am sure they would love it.
And to be honest, that truly is the extent of my creativity. Actually, I take that back. One day about 7 months ago I had a great day coming up with fun things for our kids to do. We made homemade placemats and went to get them laminated, and then I built them a fort that they played in for 7 minutes. It was awesome! Still one of my best mom days. Ha.
It is wonderful to watch Mark play with the kids for hours, and become whatever character it is they want him to play. Yesterday Drew asked me if I would fight bad guys with him and he had his "sword blankie" to beat them. My response, "Sure. You lead the way." I mean, where are the bad guys? The one time I tried yesterday I got on the floor and started to growl and Drew told me I was doing it wrong. Why is it that I can't see their imaginative world and Mark can?
Not only does Mark become anything they want, and it is better than they even imagined. But in watching Mark anyone can see that he is totally having fun with them. I mean, legitimately having a blast playing with them! I, on the other hand, look at the clock...feel like an hour has passed...look again, and 5 minutes have gone by. Uh. What is it God wants me to learn as a mom of three amazing and imaginative little boys? And how can I embrace their world more completely?
Help me Jesus,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
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