Have you ever thought about what songs would make up the soundtrack of your life? As a music lover I often think about what songs would be on the soundtrack of my life, what songs I would want sung at my funeral (totally morbid, I know), and what songs represent who I am, what I believe and how I feel. No doubt, there would be a ton of Celine Dion on the soundtrack.
Well, yesterday I discovered another song I would need included in the soundtrack of my life. Yesterday was a perfect day. My mom and I took the boys to a playground and we were all sitting around taking a water break and playing with Nate and I just started singing the song, "I'm So Happy" by the Salteens. I discovered this rockin' group on Yo Gabba Gabba.
(Sidenote: For any of my fellow West Virginians reading this, does the lead singer totally remind you of Ryan Lewellyn, or am I just crazy?)
I was so happy. It was the perfect start to a pretty perfect day.
We came home from the park and my kiddos actually ate the lunch I made for them; and they were getting along beautifully. Then, at 11:55 a.m. things began to get crazy.
Drew stood up from playing with a racetrack and was pulling on his shirt. I looked over and he had had explosive diarrhea that came out of his diaper, up the front of his pants, all over the front of his shirt, streaming down his legs onto the carpet. I ran him upstairs, washed him off in the shower and started to get him dressed. That's when I heard Nate start cryng because he had just been awakened from his nap by Zachary hollering, "I have to go poop!" I frantically rush to get Drew dressed, put him down for his afternoon nap, come downstairs to pick up Nate...only to discover that he, too, has pooped. I change him just in time to hear Zachary yell, "I'm done!" I wipe him, dispose of all the diapers, wash my hands, and get Zachary up to his room for his quiet time. At that time Zachary remembered he had left his blankie and stuffed animals downstairs and started going down the stairs to get them. On his way down the steps he somehow lost his footing, flipped around and fell down the stairs upsidedown, on his back. It was terrfying, but thankfully he was ok...and all was well in the world again once Nanna brought him a frosty with sprinkles.
And when I looked at the clock again, it was 12:15.
All that to say...it was a crazy 20 minutes. But the day was still fantastically wonderful. That is why the title I would give for the day yesterday is "Beautiful Disaster." Because it was. The day had some difficulties, some hiccups...but it was beautiful, and wonderful, and so much fun.
Totally in Love with My Family,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
LOVE me some 311! Love you!