With that said, I have more things to discuss; none of which has any real relevance to my life. I just have thoughts racing through my brain and I would like the get them out.
1) I was walking through Target yesterday and saw Rainbow Bright. AAAH! I was so ecstatic. I LOVED Rainbow Bright when I was younger. For my 6th birthday I had a Rainbow Bright themed party. I remember all of the girls from my kindergarten class sitting around our tv watching a Rainbow Bright movie. And when I was in kindergarten my grandmother made me the most beautiful Rainbow Bright costume you have ever seen. It was incredible! We still have that costume. Maybe one day a granddaughter can wear it, because it better not be one of my boys that wants to

2) The Bachelor: The Bachelor. Ugh. I have so many judgments that I am confident are wrong for me to pass. But last night Jake made me throw up a little in my mouth. Vienna? Honestly? Before I was totally hooked on this season my friend's husband put on his facebook page something to the affect of , "Not Vienna." Initially I thought that he was making a reference to my beloved Vienna, WV, but that was not the case. He embarrassingly explained to me that, no, he was referring to the Vienna on Bachelor...and she was all wrong. I had to start watching more. Each passing week as more and more tabloid magazines (which I do receive in the mail) came out with stories about Vienna's past I kept getting more upset that she was still there. But here's what I discovered last night. As shallow as I thought Vienna was all season, Jake is even more so!
I am more disgusted by him than any of the women on this season, even the one who told him to "land his plane on her landing strip" in her native language (who does that, by the way ?!) As he professed his love for Tenley and how much he loved that they shared the same values and morals he just couldn't ignore the "spark" or the "heat" that was shared between he and Vienna. Thus, he chose Vienna for that "spark" and the immature Jake will soon discover that a "spark" and "heat" don't make a relationship last...and they will inevitably end their relationship like so many others that base their "love" (aka: lust) on these fleeting feelings.
P.S. Did anyone else catch what Jake said about enagagement? Something like, "I've never been engaged before. You only get one first time..." I felt like he was being passive-aggressive and taking a dig at Vienna to make her more needy and insecure so he can feel superior to her in their relationship. Deep thoughts by Lindsey Allen.
3) (Warning: for those with weak stomachs, do not read)
Diaper Duty: Mark was complaining about the smell of Drew's dirty diaper. "It was one of the worst I have change in awhile. It was awful! I can't believe how terrible it was! Yada, yada, yada. It smells like he is sick." Hmm...I thought it smelled like the dinner I made last night. Not sure what that says about my cooking.
4) I have begun training for a half marathon. I love the results. I hate the time commitment. One of our boys wasn't sleeping well last night. Instead of laying in my bed fuming that I wasn't sleeping I decided to get a portion of my workout for the day completed. So at 1:38 a.m. I came upstairs from the treadmill. I was grateful to have had the opportunity to work out then, but am so bummed that my workout isn't finished for the day. There's still more...but it is worht it. It is.
Love the Rambing,
Joyful and Tired Mom
Harper got that Rainbow Brite from my sister! And yes, she is not the same. She is Barbie-fied. So sad. But she still brings back so many memories.
ReplyDeleteAre you training for the 1/2 on May 1?
Totally agree on Vienna and Jake. Good luck with that "physical connection" as opposed to the "emotional connection" you felt with Tenley, Jake-o.
ReplyDeleteSo jealous on the 1/2 marathon. I'm running again. Two and Three milers. Sigh.