Quite frankly, I am repulsed by the fact that there was not only a 'Freakin' Porn Star-Part 1', but now I am writing 'Freakin' Porn Star-Part 2'!!!!!!
There are times when I get caught up in celebrity gossip. I know. I know. It's ridiculous. I wouldn't even call it a guilty pleasure anymore. I honestly don't enjoy it...but it's like watching a train wreck-I can't look away.
With that said...I will occassionally write something on my facebook status about something or someone I read about that doesn't pertain to me at all. And when I share my opinions or frustrations on a particular situation I know many people may not agree with me. Shut, I lost a friend over something I posted about Obama...but I digress.
My latest ramblings have involved the women that slept with Tiger Woods and Jesse James. I made a comment about how much I didn't like Gloria Allred or the trashy women that these guys were with. A friend commented back that it was the men who had made the commitment to their spouses; and if the men hadn't cheated, these women wouldn't have anything to talk about. Was my friend right? Absolutely. 100% correct.
However, I get so upset with these women for several reasons:
1) Their excuses for coming out. "The truth just had to come out." Um, no...it could have come out to just the wife, not every media outlet that would look at you and give you face time in a magazine.
2) They are so desperate for fame that instead of being famous, they have become infamous for sleeping with married men...and they are ok with this.
3) They hire Gloria Allred, not for a lawyer-because really, what kind of defense do these sacks-of-trash need/want/deserve-but as a PR person.
4) **** They completely disregard the lives of the families that were hurt while they and the married men chose to do what they did. It's infuriating to me. Totally infuriating! Their continued exploitation of the affair is what fires me up more than anything. Tiger's porn star mistress has just released text messages that were supposedly from him. I'm sorry...we are at the end of March and this story broke in November. She just continues to leak bits and pieces of her story to keep her trashy name in the news...hoping to prolong her 15 minutes of fame into 20. It's disgusting to me. Because, yes, the husbands were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, but now they are trying to save their marriages, and these women keep coming out with more and more things...to no ones benefit but their own. And my heart aches for the wives of these men-innocent victims in all of this that are being completely ransacked day in and day out by the sordid details of the affairs these women keep sharing. Ugh! I want to scream!
And lastly, Jesse James' mistress is covered in tattoos, poses for porn magazines or internet sites, is supposedly a white supremecist, and sold the story for $30,000...and someone was quoted as saying she does have morals. Um, no. What are her morals, she won't kill puppies? I mean seriously.
There, I said it. And no, I don't feel any better. But it's out there. Hope I didn't offend anyone by this and lose another friend.
Still frustrated,
The Joyful, but unbelievably Tired Mom
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Catepillar Climbing Mount Everest
Someone once told me, "Your kids will grow up so fast. Too fast. But when you are in the midst of it, it feels like you are watching a catepillar climb Mount Everest." How true. How true. Many days I can't wait for bedtime to experience the sweet sound of silence. However, watching these few videos I am reminded of how quickly time flies, how much I always swore I remember about my children, and what I have sadly forgotten...like the sound of Zachary's sweet little voice, or Drew as nothing more than a little bundle we were so enamoured with each and every day. I hope you enjoy taking a walk down our memory lane while watching these few videos. I love my boys.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
Have you ever had one of those days?
You know, the kind of day where one of your children wakes up 3 hours before he is supposed too. Then he wakes up another child because he is so excited to start the day...which in turn, wakes up the 3rd child due to all of the noise generated by child #1 and child #2. Now you have 3 kiddos running on much less sleep than needed.
The kind of day when the moment you hear the first whining of the day your entire back tenses up and not even the greatest massuese in the world could get he knots out of your back.
The kind of day where you are up for hours before you can put a drop of food into your mouth because so many other mouths need fed...including the dog.
The kind of day where you panic because you can't find your dog in the house and you think, "Oh my gosh, did I forget to let the dog in again? Has she had it with always being forgotten and finally run away." And then there is the guilt because about 1% of you thinks that it would actually be a relief. Then the remaining 99% of you kicks into panic mode because you love your dog, as do the kids, and your husband. So you send your oldest child running through the house in search of your pet only to discover that she has not been forgotten outside, but accidentally shut in the basement.
The kind of day where you go to have your children's feet sized to determine when to buy shoes again; only to discover that they have been walking around in shoes an entire size too small for who knows how long!
Then you run into an inconsiderate mom that cuts infront of you at the store-totally ignoring your stroller the size of a freakin' boat that has been patiently waiting for someone long before she walked into the store.
Then you feel sad for this inconsiderate mom after her middle child starts sobbing for no reason and you hear her tell the sales clerk, "Sometimes I just can't take it." Then you feel bad for judging her in the first place, because we're all struggling to some degree.
Then you are quickly reminded how awful it feels to be judged in the first place as the sales clerk tells your child, "You'll only go to a playground if you are good." I'm sorry, isn't that my job! And when you say, "I'm sorry. I know we're a handful, thanks for helping us"...the clerk totally ignores you.
One of those days where you get into the car to go to a playground and your baby cries the ENTIRE way-all the while you seem to hit EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT the town has ever installed.
The kind of day when you are so excited to actually sit and enjoy a quiet lunch while your children nap and you discover that, nope, your middle child won't nap because he slept 10 minutes in the car 3 hours earlier.
The kind of day where your child tries to scale a gate and gets stuck.
The kind of day when all you want to eat is a giant blizzard from Dairy Queen, but then you realize you 1)gave up sweets for Lent, 2) wouldn't be worth it anyway because the DQ by your house gives LAME portions that only make you angry and take away from the enjoyment, and 3) you still have baby weight to lose and you have to be realistic and realize that a blizzard won't help your waist line...And nor will the bottle of wine that you would like to begin drinking at noon, because hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
But with all that said, I guess it could be worse. Atleast I didn't wake up with gum in my hair.
Until Next Time,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
You know, the kind of day where one of your children wakes up 3 hours before he is supposed too. Then he wakes up another child because he is so excited to start the day...which in turn, wakes up the 3rd child due to all of the noise generated by child #1 and child #2. Now you have 3 kiddos running on much less sleep than needed.
The kind of day when the moment you hear the first whining of the day your entire back tenses up and not even the greatest massuese in the world could get he knots out of your back.
The kind of day where you are up for hours before you can put a drop of food into your mouth because so many other mouths need fed...including the dog.
The kind of day where you panic because you can't find your dog in the house and you think, "Oh my gosh, did I forget to let the dog in again? Has she had it with always being forgotten and finally run away." And then there is the guilt because about 1% of you thinks that it would actually be a relief. Then the remaining 99% of you kicks into panic mode because you love your dog, as do the kids, and your husband. So you send your oldest child running through the house in search of your pet only to discover that she has not been forgotten outside, but accidentally shut in the basement.
The kind of day where you go to have your children's feet sized to determine when to buy shoes again; only to discover that they have been walking around in shoes an entire size too small for who knows how long!
Then you run into an inconsiderate mom that cuts infront of you at the store-totally ignoring your stroller the size of a freakin' boat that has been patiently waiting for someone long before she walked into the store.
Then you feel sad for this inconsiderate mom after her middle child starts sobbing for no reason and you hear her tell the sales clerk, "Sometimes I just can't take it." Then you feel bad for judging her in the first place, because we're all struggling to some degree.
Then you are quickly reminded how awful it feels to be judged in the first place as the sales clerk tells your child, "You'll only go to a playground if you are good." I'm sorry, isn't that my job! And when you say, "I'm sorry. I know we're a handful, thanks for helping us"...the clerk totally ignores you.
One of those days where you get into the car to go to a playground and your baby cries the ENTIRE way-all the while you seem to hit EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT the town has ever installed.
The kind of day when you are so excited to actually sit and enjoy a quiet lunch while your children nap and you discover that, nope, your middle child won't nap because he slept 10 minutes in the car 3 hours earlier.
The kind of day where your child tries to scale a gate and gets stuck.
The kind of day when all you want to eat is a giant blizzard from Dairy Queen, but then you realize you 1)gave up sweets for Lent, 2) wouldn't be worth it anyway because the DQ by your house gives LAME portions that only make you angry and take away from the enjoyment, and 3) you still have baby weight to lose and you have to be realistic and realize that a blizzard won't help your waist line...And nor will the bottle of wine that you would like to begin drinking at noon, because hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
But with all that said, I guess it could be worse. Atleast I didn't wake up with gum in my hair.
Until Next Time,
The Joyful and Tired Mom
Monday, March 8, 2010
Will you accept this rose.... I mean ring!
Ok. This is Mark, Lindsey's husband and I have some things to comment about the Bachelor wedding we just watched. And please note that I said "we" and that I am not sitting in the basement alone with a glass of Zima getting in touch with my feminine side crying about the awe-inspining beauty that is "the Bachelor." No I watched it with Lindsey cause well she wanted to and we only have one tv in the room. But I have some comments about the Bachelor wedding.
First, Lindsey said to me, "did you know it cost $45000?" I am thinking, that is a lot for a wedding but if a major network is paying for it, then that sounds reasonable. Then she tells me "no, the wedding dress cost $45000." I dont know how a single garmet of clothing could cost $45000 unless is lined with endangered bald eagle beaks for the bodice, lace made from brown recluse spider webs (very deadly spiders), a tiara made from unobtainium (the metal harvested from the movie Avatar, a joke for those nerds reading this), and the train made from the Shroud of Turin (the burial shroud of Jesus Christ). Then I would understand the price.
Second, I know outside weddings are beautful but couldn't ABC have had a back-up plan in case it might, well, you know rain? It was outside and dont tell me no one looked at the weather report and said "you know what, it could rain. wont everyone get wet?" The only provisions they made were to give the guests see-through umbrellas. But they did forget one thing: GIVE THE BRIDE AND GROOM A FREAKIN UMBRELLA TOO!!! What is the point of a best man and maid of honor, to hold the rings? umm, thats about 30 seconds of your day handing the rings over, use the rest of the time holding a $5 umbrella over the $45000 wedding dress. Even the bride's uncle, i mean the minister, had to cover his bible with his hand. ABC could have paid some dude to hold 2 umbrellas, one for the couple, one for the minister. IF you have $45000 for a dress, you have $50 for an "umbrella holder."
Third, please tell me Garnier could not have paid to have the 15 min ceremony commercial free. But no, they had to break for a commercial right before the vows to build suspense like Jason was going to pick one of the bridesmaids to replace Molly in mid-vow. Its not like he hasnt done it before! But Chris Harrison stands at the back of the ceremony, why a producer whispers into the ministers ear mic to "stall" while they break for a commercial break. Too bad during the commercial break they didnt film the minister's expose on why Allie would have won over Vienna if she would have stayed, but Jake only wanted one thing and we all knew it.
Fourth, The minister's vows were pretty much, "do you? and do you? ok now share your own vows." And their vows consisted of something about her eyes and his love for his child, and something else, I forget and they probably did too after they said it.
Fifth, Jason Castro? I mean really? Well, I guess it makes sense cause he had the day off at the Citgo and he doesnt wash his hair again for another 6 weeks. I missed it, was there a reason for Jason Castro or was Justin Guarini unable to fit into his busy schedule of rotating tires, flipping burgers, continuing to strangle his agent about "from Justin to Kelly" and mopping Simon Cowell's kitchen with his loofa-like hair. The sad part about Jason Castro is: IT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE BACHELOR WEDDING! And you know what, it probably cost the least. It probably cost ABC 6 chicken wings, a can of Red Bull and some gas money back to the Citgo. I guess they had to cut corners when you spend $45000 on a wedding dress. Yeah, I am still upset about it. I mean that was more money than the remake of "Heal the World" raised. That remake was awful. I would have made a donation to Haiti not to have that remade.
Anyway, that is my take on the Bachelor wedding and I could go on but you have read my rant this far and appreciate you hanging with me till the end, even if this was so long. so in summary: It sucked.
The Joyful and Tired Mom's manly, macho, testosterone infused (Bachelor wedding - watching) husband.
First, Lindsey said to me, "did you know it cost $45000?" I am thinking, that is a lot for a wedding but if a major network is paying for it, then that sounds reasonable. Then she tells me "no, the wedding dress cost $45000." I dont know how a single garmet of clothing could cost $45000 unless is lined with endangered bald eagle beaks for the bodice, lace made from brown recluse spider webs (very deadly spiders), a tiara made from unobtainium (the metal harvested from the movie Avatar, a joke for those nerds reading this), and the train made from the Shroud of Turin (the burial shroud of Jesus Christ). Then I would understand the price.
Second, I know outside weddings are beautful but couldn't ABC have had a back-up plan in case it might, well, you know rain? It was outside and dont tell me no one looked at the weather report and said "you know what, it could rain. wont everyone get wet?" The only provisions they made were to give the guests see-through umbrellas. But they did forget one thing: GIVE THE BRIDE AND GROOM A FREAKIN UMBRELLA TOO!!! What is the point of a best man and maid of honor, to hold the rings? umm, thats about 30 seconds of your day handing the rings over, use the rest of the time holding a $5 umbrella over the $45000 wedding dress. Even the bride's uncle, i mean the minister, had to cover his bible with his hand. ABC could have paid some dude to hold 2 umbrellas, one for the couple, one for the minister. IF you have $45000 for a dress, you have $50 for an "umbrella holder."
Third, please tell me Garnier could not have paid to have the 15 min ceremony commercial free. But no, they had to break for a commercial right before the vows to build suspense like Jason was going to pick one of the bridesmaids to replace Molly in mid-vow. Its not like he hasnt done it before! But Chris Harrison stands at the back of the ceremony, why a producer whispers into the ministers ear mic to "stall" while they break for a commercial break. Too bad during the commercial break they didnt film the minister's expose on why Allie would have won over Vienna if she would have stayed, but Jake only wanted one thing and we all knew it.
Fourth, The minister's vows were pretty much, "do you? and do you? ok now share your own vows." And their vows consisted of something about her eyes and his love for his child, and something else, I forget and they probably did too after they said it.
Fifth, Jason Castro? I mean really? Well, I guess it makes sense cause he had the day off at the Citgo and he doesnt wash his hair again for another 6 weeks. I missed it, was there a reason for Jason Castro or was Justin Guarini unable to fit into his busy schedule of rotating tires, flipping burgers, continuing to strangle his agent about "from Justin to Kelly" and mopping Simon Cowell's kitchen with his loofa-like hair. The sad part about Jason Castro is: IT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE BACHELOR WEDDING! And you know what, it probably cost the least. It probably cost ABC 6 chicken wings, a can of Red Bull and some gas money back to the Citgo. I guess they had to cut corners when you spend $45000 on a wedding dress. Yeah, I am still upset about it. I mean that was more money than the remake of "Heal the World" raised. That remake was awful. I would have made a donation to Haiti not to have that remade.
Anyway, that is my take on the Bachelor wedding and I could go on but you have read my rant this far and appreciate you hanging with me till the end, even if this was so long. so in summary: It sucked.
The Joyful and Tired Mom's manly, macho, testosterone infused (Bachelor wedding - watching) husband.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Call to Authenticity
I am starting this blog by, literally ,laughing out loud.
I went to Lifeway Bookstore yesterday to get a book for a friend who was celebrating his birthday. I wanted to get him a Chuck Colesen book. I've never read any of his things, but my brother-in-law, Mike, took a course he "led" and really enjoyed him and learned so much. I have such a sincere amount of respect for Mike that I thought, "If he likes Chuck Colesen, then surely our friend will as well." Therefore, I went to the store to find a book. While at the Christian bookstore I was browsing other products that they were selling...and if I can be totally honest...I think it is a crime how much they charge for gifts because they know that if it says some bible verse, or talks about love, Christians will fork over the money to buy it-whatever the product may be. Some of my favorites include, but are not limited to:
* "Praise the Lord" flutes for kids.
* (One of my favorites) Inflatable Football Cooler: 'This one-of-a-kind cooler includes a pump and, best of all, this awesome thought: “Win or lose, always give thanks to the Lord.”'
* The Jelly Bean Prayer Pack "Each scrumptuous jelly bean’s color represents an important part of the plan of salvation. For instance, red represents the blood Christ shed for us while white represents the cleansing of our souls as Christ’s blood washes away our sins.
* A Glow in the Dark, 'God Lights our Way', Pen
* A "Chid of God On Board" window hanging for your car
* A "Not Spoiled...Blessed" dog tag
Etc. Etc. You get my drift.
The products that are out there for us to buy as Christians is astounding. And although they are hysterical in my opinion (especially the inflatable cooler which totally makes you more holy even if you are screaming and cursing at the ref), these products are being made because we spend our money on them.
Now none of these things in and of themselves are bad. In fact, in college I loved driving around with an Ichthus emblem on the back of my car. I loved having drivers pass me and know that I was a follower of Jesus (except when I was speeding and had a slight case of road rage). However, what drives me absolutely crazy about these products is I feel that some (not all), myself included, have fallen into the trap of wanting to look Christian on the outside, but we have yet to suurender to the awesome transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We somehow believe that in investing in these things we are somehow "more Christian" than the next guy. We want to read the right books, say the right things, wear the right clothes, pretend to be perfect and without fault in things. If there is fault we blanket the offense over with words like "fallen and sin" instead of figuring out the choices that led to doing something that hurt ourselves or someone else. We are more concerned with looking the part than living it. Less concerned with confession and repentance and more concerned with making sure people think we have it all together.
I believe this does a disservice to ourselves. We come to Jesus because we want to be loved for who we are, as we are. That's what He offers us. But we quicky step in line with so many others in trying to do things to show we are Christians instead of living an authentic life as someone truly loved by the God of the freakin' universe! I mean, how cool is that?!
I also thinks this does a severe disservice to non-believers or people that have just come to church and been introduced to who Jesus really is. People come into church and instead of seeing true authenticity and people that are just really screwed up and don't have life totally together, they walk into a group of people all striving to perfect the "mask of perfection" that we try to hide behind. Now I realize I am making enormous generalizations. But I am telling you, I am guilty of these things as well. And not everyone does these things...but too many of us do.
And that is why I feel like I have this new purpose, a new mission in my faith. I just want people to live a life of authenticity! I want them to not just say they are loved for who they are, as they are...but really believe it as well. I want us to stop talking the "Christianize" talk and be real. I want us to confess our junk to those we trust and find that even in the midst of our junk, we are still loved. I remember one of the wisest things I ever heard from someone was, "If we all walked around with our sin printed on our foreheads, instead of judging one another we would be hugging each other and saying,'you too?'" Let's be honest with ourselves and honest with each other and allow God to heal our hurts, redeem the things we have messed up, and be loved regardless. Let's live a ife of authenticity, not a life where we are all worthy of an Oscar for perfecting the act and hiding behind the "mask of perfection."
The Forgiven, Grateful, and Purpose Driven,
Tired and Joyful Mom
I went to Lifeway Bookstore yesterday to get a book for a friend who was celebrating his birthday. I wanted to get him a Chuck Colesen book. I've never read any of his things, but my brother-in-law, Mike, took a course he "led" and really enjoyed him and learned so much. I have such a sincere amount of respect for Mike that I thought, "If he likes Chuck Colesen, then surely our friend will as well." Therefore, I went to the store to find a book. While at the Christian bookstore I was browsing other products that they were selling...and if I can be totally honest...I think it is a crime how much they charge for gifts because they know that if it says some bible verse, or talks about love, Christians will fork over the money to buy it-whatever the product may be. Some of my favorites include, but are not limited to:
* "Praise the Lord" flutes for kids.
* (One of my favorites) Inflatable Football Cooler: 'This one-of-a-kind cooler includes a pump and, best of all, this awesome thought: “Win or lose, always give thanks to the Lord.”'
* The Jelly Bean Prayer Pack "Each scrumptuous jelly bean’s color represents an important part of the plan of salvation. For instance, red represents the blood Christ shed for us while white represents the cleansing of our souls as Christ’s blood washes away our sins.
* A Glow in the Dark, 'God Lights our Way', Pen
* A "Chid of God On Board" window hanging for your car
* A "Not Spoiled...Blessed" dog tag
Etc. Etc. You get my drift.
The products that are out there for us to buy as Christians is astounding. And although they are hysterical in my opinion (especially the inflatable cooler which totally makes you more holy even if you are screaming and cursing at the ref), these products are being made because we spend our money on them.
Now none of these things in and of themselves are bad. In fact, in college I loved driving around with an Ichthus emblem on the back of my car. I loved having drivers pass me and know that I was a follower of Jesus (except when I was speeding and had a slight case of road rage). However, what drives me absolutely crazy about these products is I feel that some (not all), myself included, have fallen into the trap of wanting to look Christian on the outside, but we have yet to suurender to the awesome transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We somehow believe that in investing in these things we are somehow "more Christian" than the next guy. We want to read the right books, say the right things, wear the right clothes, pretend to be perfect and without fault in things. If there is fault we blanket the offense over with words like "fallen and sin" instead of figuring out the choices that led to doing something that hurt ourselves or someone else. We are more concerned with looking the part than living it. Less concerned with confession and repentance and more concerned with making sure people think we have it all together.
I believe this does a disservice to ourselves. We come to Jesus because we want to be loved for who we are, as we are. That's what He offers us. But we quicky step in line with so many others in trying to do things to show we are Christians instead of living an authentic life as someone truly loved by the God of the freakin' universe! I mean, how cool is that?!
I also thinks this does a severe disservice to non-believers or people that have just come to church and been introduced to who Jesus really is. People come into church and instead of seeing true authenticity and people that are just really screwed up and don't have life totally together, they walk into a group of people all striving to perfect the "mask of perfection" that we try to hide behind. Now I realize I am making enormous generalizations. But I am telling you, I am guilty of these things as well. And not everyone does these things...but too many of us do.
And that is why I feel like I have this new purpose, a new mission in my faith. I just want people to live a life of authenticity! I want them to not just say they are loved for who they are, as they are...but really believe it as well. I want us to stop talking the "Christianize" talk and be real. I want us to confess our junk to those we trust and find that even in the midst of our junk, we are still loved. I remember one of the wisest things I ever heard from someone was, "If we all walked around with our sin printed on our foreheads, instead of judging one another we would be hugging each other and saying,'you too?'" Let's be honest with ourselves and honest with each other and allow God to heal our hurts, redeem the things we have messed up, and be loved regardless. Let's live a ife of authenticity, not a life where we are all worthy of an Oscar for perfecting the act and hiding behind the "mask of perfection."
The Forgiven, Grateful, and Purpose Driven,
Tired and Joyful Mom
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Bachelor Ramblings Included
It's amazing to me that blogging has become such a stress reliever for me (with that said I will be writing all day). When I am overly tired, anxious, or stressed it helps me to sit down and process through things infront of the world-or the 10 of you that read this. :-) So thank you all for giving me an outlet for my thoughts, and for encouraging me to continue. It means so much to me.
With that said, I have more things to discuss; none of which has any real relevance to my life. I just have thoughts racing through my brain and I would like the get them out.
1) I was walking through Target yesterday and saw Rainbow Bright. AAAH! I was so ecstatic. I LOVED Rainbow Bright when I was younger. For my 6th birthday I had a Rainbow Bright themed party. I remember all of the girls from my kindergarten class sitting around our tv watching a Rainbow Bright movie. And when I was in kindergarten my grandmother made me the most beautiful Rainbow Bright costume you have ever seen. It was incredible! We still have that costume. Maybe one day a granddaughter can wear it, because it better not be one of my boys that wants to
wear it. :-) Needless to say, Rainbow Bright is a toy that helps to shape memories from my childhood. Which is why I was SO upset yesterday when I saw Rainbow Bright did not have her trademark orange yarn hair. Instead, she has silky, smooth blond hair that looks as though she just stepped off of the red carpet. This is not Rainbow Bright! It is just not! Why take a classic toy and reinvent it? Just come out with a new doll!!!!!! Don't take my Rainbow Bright away? This new one...she is just an imposter in rainbow leggings.
2) The Bachelor: The Bachelor. Ugh. I have so many judgments that I am confident are wrong for me to pass. But last night Jake made me throw up a little in my mouth. Vienna? Honestly? Before I was totally hooked on this season my friend's husband put on his facebook page something to the affect of , "Not Vienna." Initially I thought that he was making a reference to my beloved Vienna, WV, but that was not the case. He embarrassingly explained to me that, no, he was referring to the Vienna on Bachelor...and she was all wrong. I had to start watching more. Each passing week as more and more tabloid magazines (which I do receive in the mail) came out with stories about Vienna's past I kept getting more upset that she was still there. But here's what I discovered last night. As shallow as I thought Vienna was all season, Jake is even more so!
I am more disgusted by him than any of the women on this season, even the one who told him to "land his plane on her landing strip" in her native language (who does that, by the way ?!) As he professed his love for Tenley and how much he loved that they shared the same values and morals he just couldn't ignore the "spark" or the "heat" that was shared between he and Vienna. Thus, he chose Vienna for that "spark" and the immature Jake will soon discover that a "spark" and "heat" don't make a relationship last...and they will inevitably end their relationship like so many others that base their "love" (aka: lust) on these fleeting feelings.
P.S. Did anyone else catch what Jake said about enagagement? Something like, "I've never been engaged before. You only get one first time..." I felt like he was being passive-aggressive and taking a dig at Vienna to make her more needy and insecure so he can feel superior to her in their relationship. Deep thoughts by Lindsey Allen.
3) (Warning: for those with weak stomachs, do not read)
Diaper Duty: Mark was complaining about the smell of Drew's dirty diaper. "It was one of the worst I have change in awhile. It was awful! I can't believe how terrible it was! Yada, yada, yada. It smells like he is sick." Hmm...I thought it smelled like the dinner I made last night. Not sure what that says about my cooking.
4) I have begun training for a half marathon. I love the results. I hate the time commitment. One of our boys wasn't sleeping well last night. Instead of laying in my bed fuming that I wasn't sleeping I decided to get a portion of my workout for the day completed. So at 1:38 a.m. I came upstairs from the treadmill. I was grateful to have had the opportunity to work out then, but am so bummed that my workout isn't finished for the day. There's still more...but it is worht it. It is.
Love the Rambing,
Joyful and Tired Mom
With that said, I have more things to discuss; none of which has any real relevance to my life. I just have thoughts racing through my brain and I would like the get them out.
1) I was walking through Target yesterday and saw Rainbow Bright. AAAH! I was so ecstatic. I LOVED Rainbow Bright when I was younger. For my 6th birthday I had a Rainbow Bright themed party. I remember all of the girls from my kindergarten class sitting around our tv watching a Rainbow Bright movie. And when I was in kindergarten my grandmother made me the most beautiful Rainbow Bright costume you have ever seen. It was incredible! We still have that costume. Maybe one day a granddaughter can wear it, because it better not be one of my boys that wants to

2) The Bachelor: The Bachelor. Ugh. I have so many judgments that I am confident are wrong for me to pass. But last night Jake made me throw up a little in my mouth. Vienna? Honestly? Before I was totally hooked on this season my friend's husband put on his facebook page something to the affect of , "Not Vienna." Initially I thought that he was making a reference to my beloved Vienna, WV, but that was not the case. He embarrassingly explained to me that, no, he was referring to the Vienna on Bachelor...and she was all wrong. I had to start watching more. Each passing week as more and more tabloid magazines (which I do receive in the mail) came out with stories about Vienna's past I kept getting more upset that she was still there. But here's what I discovered last night. As shallow as I thought Vienna was all season, Jake is even more so!
I am more disgusted by him than any of the women on this season, even the one who told him to "land his plane on her landing strip" in her native language (who does that, by the way ?!) As he professed his love for Tenley and how much he loved that they shared the same values and morals he just couldn't ignore the "spark" or the "heat" that was shared between he and Vienna. Thus, he chose Vienna for that "spark" and the immature Jake will soon discover that a "spark" and "heat" don't make a relationship last...and they will inevitably end their relationship like so many others that base their "love" (aka: lust) on these fleeting feelings.
P.S. Did anyone else catch what Jake said about enagagement? Something like, "I've never been engaged before. You only get one first time..." I felt like he was being passive-aggressive and taking a dig at Vienna to make her more needy and insecure so he can feel superior to her in their relationship. Deep thoughts by Lindsey Allen.
3) (Warning: for those with weak stomachs, do not read)
Diaper Duty: Mark was complaining about the smell of Drew's dirty diaper. "It was one of the worst I have change in awhile. It was awful! I can't believe how terrible it was! Yada, yada, yada. It smells like he is sick." Hmm...I thought it smelled like the dinner I made last night. Not sure what that says about my cooking.
4) I have begun training for a half marathon. I love the results. I hate the time commitment. One of our boys wasn't sleeping well last night. Instead of laying in my bed fuming that I wasn't sleeping I decided to get a portion of my workout for the day completed. So at 1:38 a.m. I came upstairs from the treadmill. I was grateful to have had the opportunity to work out then, but am so bummed that my workout isn't finished for the day. There's still more...but it is worht it. It is.
Love the Rambing,
Joyful and Tired Mom
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