Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Irony

This is a follow-up to yesterday's blog about allowing our boys to play, be adventurous, take risks. Then I thought of moments of our life in pictures and had to laugh. I am so fearful of my children getting hurt, and I want to protect them from pain; which is why I struggle to let them play hard and rough all the days of their lives.
But the irony is that none of these things happened while living dangerously.
Was pushed out of the chair by his cousin. He fell to the floor, leg stayed stuck in the slats of the chair.

Came up to us and said he fell down the steps. No one heard or saw a thing.  Within 5 minutes he had stopped bearing all weight. Pediatrician called the squad and he was taken to Children's Hospital and was in this brace, 100% of the time for weeks.

Nothing crazy in here. Had his thumb slammed in the door.

We don't even need to live dangerously to have a wing at Children's named after us! Not really, but we feel like we pay enough that we should at least get a plaque hung on their wall.
Hopefully no more casts!
The Joyful and Tired Mom


I did it! I did it! I did it! I don't really need the accolades, but if you feel led, a congratulations would be wonderful.
What did I do? Oh nothing really. Just something a tad short of miraculous.
I ate my weight in chocolate. Yes I did. I ate chocolate as a way to eat my feelings. It's pretty phenomenal actually. And I will ride this sugar high until Mark gets home; then I will crash and lock myself in the room to watch Dr. Phil and eat more chocolate!
At the rate we are going with our 75th day off of school and crazy winter weather, I will never have to concern myself with bathing suit season again. Bring on the Blizzards! And by blizzards, I mean Dairy Queen's chocolate brownie extreme blizzard with extra chocolate crunch, not more snow.
Surviving another day,
The Joyful and Tired Mom

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I'm a good mom, I would say, about 13% of the time. And that's on the high end.
I always love and care for my boys. I always show them affection. We play board games and card games all the time. I even do their laundry....but I don't put it away, so I'm a good mom about 12% of the time.
What makes a good mom in my eyes? I celebrate who I am as a mom when I let me boys do something totally crazy, risky, adventurous, and well, all boy.
As we have been trapped in the house because of the 15th polar vortex we are experiencing, and watched more tv than I will ever admit to, I started thinking of how boring and lifeless life would be if my kids continued to just watch tv and play video games all the days of their lives. And I started thinking about this because that would be my tendency. Because for them to truly live and experience life there is some degree of risk and danger involved. And as I reflected on my highlight real of a mom, all of my best moments full of pride and joy and excitement were also married to fear and uncertainty. But I don't want to take these precious moments away. I don't want to rob my boys of adventure and fun because I am afraid of the million "what-ifs" that are out there.
I am not saying to allow them to live foolishly, just because. Or to allow any and all things. But my goal, my hope, my prayer actually, is that when spring comes and we can stand outside without frostbite setting in, I want to let my boys be boys. I want them to run and climb trees and have epic battles of some sort with their friends. I don't want to rob them of growing into men because I am afraid.
Any life worth living involves risks. And I want them to experience life, risks, adventures, and all.
And now, my 2 second highlight real of my boys LIVING! Truly, they came alive in these moments, you could see it written on their faces.  Such pride and joy!

Told ya the highlight real was short, but...our adventures are just beginning.

Walking the line between joy and fear,
The Joyful and Tired Mom

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Certifiably Insane

I am. I mean, I have known this for a long time. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. In May I saw the insanity become fruitful and multiply when we had 12 1st graders spend the night for Zachary's birthday. 12. But you know, the night was fun because we were able to play outside. And by "we", I mean Mark was able to play outside and be the bad guy in a rousing game of glow stick tag.
But today, while the blizzard is bearing down on us, and we are all trapped inside, and the snow isn't good playing snow, I have 6 boys over. 6 wild, wonderful, Nerf gun loving boys that are having "EPIC" battles together. I love it. I love the noise. I love that they are all having fun. I love that other mama's get a little break. However, I am insane. And I swear, if one more child spies on me in my bedroom and shoots an arrow at my head while I put on mascara, I may scream. Silently, or over a text message (AAAAAH!), but I will most certainly scream.
It is pretty awesome though. I love these well-behaved boys that are here. They bring out the best in my boys. Their joy is contagious. And their laughter makes me smile from ear to ear.
But let it be known...if you stop by our home today, it will be a mess, and I will not explain it away. I am embracing the crazy today. And tonight I will turn on a movie, pop popcorn, and not feel bad that my kids are zoning out in front of the tv for a few hours. And I will have some much needed alone time.
How are you spending your time stuck inside?
Much love and Chaos,
The Joyful and Tired and Insane Mom