Friday, August 30, 2013
Blurred Line
I read a recent blog that is making it's rounds on facebook in regards to the VMA's this past weekend. Not sure if you have heard anything about this up and comer Miley Cyrus, but apparently her performance was quite racy. Ha.
This particular blogger, Matt Walsh, wrote a letter to his young son about what it means to be a man, a husband, a father. And instead of focusing on this young 20 year old still trying to find her place in the sordid world of pop music, he called out Robin Thicke. He called out the 36 year old, married father for bumping and grinding against the arse of a 20 year old. And truly, our conversations around the watercooler and social media shouldn't solely be focused on Miley Cyrus' twerking and her disgusting, raunchy, tongue (p.s. who told her that was cute anyway, or hot?). I loved his post. Loved his letter. Loved almost everything about it.
But one thing really resonated with me after reading his blog. What stuck with me was a comment left by a girl, Maci, and her defense of Robin Thicke.
It saddens me greatly that as women we all aren't outraged that the degredation of our sex is placed on a pedestal and glamorized. Is this what we have been hoping for in our world? A world where we are not seen as one, equal, deserving of respect and care. I, for one, think that too many of us have bought into the lie for too long; and we need to start standing for something greater than our bodies, our sexuality, our "choice". It's appauling to me. And the sad thing is, men haven't done this to us, we have done it to ourselves. We have willingly embraced the lies of our culture that tell us it is ok to be degraded to such a degree. But we don't mindlessly, or even skeptically go along with mainstream ideas. We embrace it! We seek it out! We celebrate it! It's disgusting. And as a young woman, I am sad. Just saddened by our society as a whole, for what we excuse, embrace, defend, and celebrate.
I am tired of having people defend bumping, grinding, twerking, and being overtly sexual, and calling it "art". Or calling someone a "creative/musical genius." I could take a dump in a cup and throw it against my neighbor's mailbox and call it art. It doesn't mean I should.
See, I think this is a valuable lesson we are not teaching the younger generations. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. There is wisdom in discernment and self-control.
So while I am upset, not with Miley, but with our society as a whole...I will remember that when the day comes when my boys cannot be protected from all of the smut that is accessible to them anywhere, it is my job as their parent to teach them about discipline, self-control, wanting more than what this shallow world has to offer them, that there is a right, and there is a wrong. There isn't always a "blurred line."
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Not Sure This is What God Intended for My Day of Rest
I'm going to be honest, real honest...and just admit that I have been beyond cranky these past 3 days. Like, inexcusably cranky.
My kids just started school. so you would think I would be on cloud nine, right?! Well, I was, Wednesday-Friday...and then we had to have a weekend.
I'm sorry, but I laughed my big rear end off the other day reading Jen Hatmaker's blog about her kids going back to school. She was so honest, and so real, and so...what is it I am trying to say? She was just done. Done with the fighting. Done with the whining. Done with the boredom. Done with her kids being home constantly. Just done. However, the way she writes endears you to her, it doesn't make you hate her and go, "Wow-that is one sucky mom right there." No, in fact, the opposite is true! After reposting her blog, one of my best's emailed, "We should do one of her bible studies."
This woman is amazing to me. She manages to basically say, "If my kids don't get out of this house soon I am going to claw my own brains out." And people respond by wanting to be her best friend, and see her as someone who genuinely loves Jesus. What the what?!
So I started thinking if I had that same delightful way of approaching the stress that comes with having 3 boys under the gae of 8, 2 dogs, and a husband that works 6-7 a week. The answer came, heeeeeeeeck NO! I just come off as sounding mean, grouchy, and unlikable. It's hard to make kids running around, peeing in the woods, and getting a tick on their groin sound funny! I mean, doggone it, when I can read my three old's mind and see that he wants to give me the finger, like, 80% of the time, I am downright exhausted and mad, not whitty.
Good grief, I am thankful for the people around me loving me inspite of me. But just to paint an accurate picture of my attitude this week, here are a few of the wonderfully delightful things I have said to friends.
1. I don't like people right now, so view everything I say through that lens. I just don't like people.
2. I can't stand stupid people.
3. I just gave Mark the finger, and meant it.
4. I don't like them right now. I love them. I just don't like them.
5. They were not in school enough days for me to actually miss them yet, and want them home for the weekend.
6. I am so done.
Done. I am done. Done with the whining. Done with the fighting. Done with Lego Batman. Done with talking about work, and finances. Done with fighting bedtime. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done.
I love school. I love that my kids loooove school. I love that all 3 will be in school this week, and there will be times when my house is silent and I can clean up Lilly's pee in peace.
I love my wild and crazy life, but oh my gosh, I love the sound of silence after 8 years of noise. This will be the first time when all of my kids are in school at the same time, on a consistent basis, and I am not babysitting. I feel like I am arriving at the driveway of my dreams. Not quite at the door yet. That will be when Nate is in 1st grade and in school all day. But I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
I love my children. I wouldn't want them to be anyone other than who they are, but good's exhausting to entertain people every single day. And the answer isn't as simple as, "They need to play by themselves." Boys are amazing, but they can also be total idiots. If I let them play by themselves all the time, who would be able to shout the warning, "If you do that you will break another bone!"
I love my family, and I love my friends. But today, I actually loved that I got a migraine and had the excuse to come home, take a muscle relaxer to help with my muscle spasms I get with my headaches, and crawl into bed for 5 1/2 hours and sleep the day away.
And I love that I just woke up, Mark has the kids out for dinner, and I am going to go back upstairs and crawl back into bed and go to sleep for the night. For those who saw me at church this morning you know full well that a day of rest was deserved. Well deserved.
And I love that tomorrow starts another week of school. Zachary and Drew will love being with their friends, and learning new things. And I can go to the grocery store with only one child, and not scream about the possibility of abduction, because he will stay with me the entire time. That alone is like a dream come true!
The Joyful and incredibly Tired Mom,
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Loyal, Faithful, True
The other day I called one of my very best friends in the world. You know that friend: loyal, faithful, true, and able to speak truth into your life that pierces your heart.
I am so fortunate to be surrounded by many women that lovingly point me in the direction of Jesus, many times, without speaking. But on occassion one of them will speak words of care, concern, love, compassion, and wisdom in my life that leads me to nearly dissolve into a puddle while driving down Polaris Parkway, and having many drivers think I am a crazy person behind the wheel. Tears, lots of snot...the good stuff, you know?
I was sharing with my friend why this new business venture that my husband and I are involved in is difficult for me. Although we are working with health and wellness professionals, and it is good, I still feel very threatened because of mine and Mark's past. And although God has healed our marriage, and forgiveness reigns in our lives, there are triggers for me that bring back old fears, old insecurities that I thought had moved out of my mind...but have moved right back in the first chance they had. So I was just feeling everything really deeply this past weekend. Feeling threatened. Feeling sad. Feeling angry. Feeling scared. Feeling sorry for myself.
And what my friend said was just beautiful. She said at church that day their pastor spoke something that hit her so hard, and spoke so loudly to her, and that it could speak to me. "Lindsey, Satan is the great accuser. He wants to accuse you of everything. You aren't good enough. You are a bad stay at home mom (Anyone who has ever been asked the dreaded, "how many hours of tv does your child watch in a day?" by their pediatrician understands that feeling of, 6 hours, before noon.) You aren't reading to your kids enough. You aren't playing with them enough. They aren't doing enough crafts. You aren't exposing them to enough things. You aren't a great wife. Your house is unorganized and messy. Your 7 month old puppy still craps all over the house...your fault. You are fat. All people will ever see in you is your belly. You aren't friends with some people because you just aren't cool enough. You will flounder forever trying to find your purpose. Etc. When you focus on these things, it takes your eyes off of the cross. Jesus has set you free from all of these accusations. And Satan just wants to remind you of these things every day. And the more you believe them, the less you see Jesus' love and forgiveness and acceptance."
Every day I feel crushed by the weight of these accusations. And every day I put myself on trial and condemn myself...guilty! Guilty as charged. But that isn't Jesus. He doesn't want me to give these accusations a second thought. He isn't saying those things to me, the Enemy is. And every day I believe these lies to be truth.
So why write this? Well, I wanted people, anyone really, to know they are loved. They are loved by their Father in heaven more than they could ever imagine. And some may not even know of this God I speak of, but He loves them still. And He loves me, more than I can possibly fathom or comprehend. The whole of His scripture tells me that. He loves me. He accepts me. As I am: blemishes, flaws, belly chubs, and messy house. He doesn't just love the good stuff. He loves all of me. And He loves all of you as well.
The Joyful and Tired Mom who has been set free,
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