Monday, October 1, 2012

"Wack Off"

Today I am grateful. I would like to believe that I live my life with gratitude, but there are days... There are days when I seem to wear my angry face, a lot. It is not cute. But those days are fewer and farther between as I continue to learn how to embrace my calling as a mom to 3 incredible little boys, and a wife to the most remarkable husband I never even had the courage to know exisisted. Yeah, my kids are awesome; and my husband is amazing, and makes me laugh till I cry, and selflessly loves me every day. And he's hot, so yeah, bonus. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for my parents. I am grateful for my in-laws. I am grateful for my neighbors. I am grateful for our friends. I am grateful. I am grateful, most of all, that Jesus loves me inspite of my junk. And he loves me without reservation. I am grateful. But today I am also grateful for laughter. My sweet son always tries to be funny...not really his gift. But when he does something unintentional (like misspell a spelling word), oh my gosh, I can't stop rolling. Love this boy!