Anyway, with that said...
I took all three boys to get their haircut. I knew it would be a long process, and I knew that the temptation to run all over the place and get into the things they weren't supposed to get into (you know, act normal) was a definite possibility. So I began the trip dangling a reward in front of their faces. Some people may call that I bribe and say I shouldn't do things like that, but to them I say, "Um, whatever. 1) It's a reward. 2) You are obviously not a parent." We love the reward system at our house. And for their big reward for doing well they were promised a BK happy meal with chicken fingers and apple fries...and ofcourse, the coveted happy meal toy.
So you can stop holding your breath in anticipation...they did earn their reward and the favorite part of the happy meal was the apples...which was my reward because it made me feel as though there was an area in parenting where I wasn't failing because my children like fruit! I digress...
While at Cookie Cutters (place they get their haircut) there was a mom that held her screaming child for no less than 20 minutes while he sobbed, screamed, kicked, and dry heaved because he hated getting his haircut. All I could think about was how thankful I was that that was no longer my reality, that because of the screaming no one noticed the m&m's my kids spilled all over the floor, and that even though it was stressful watching all three boys in the midst of chaos, atleast they were content. At one point I even looked at the mom and asked if she was ok, and then began to get very teary because I have SSSOOOOOO been there and it's an awful place to be.
When I looked at this mom though it made me realize how much I like to strike up a conversation with anyone. Maybe it is my need to have a conversation with anyone about anything other than Beyblades; or maybe it is because I am like my dad and could talk the ear off of anything that has an ear because I just like to meet people. Whatever the reason, I do like to talk to other adults. And so I decided to try and strike up a conversation with another mom that walked in with three children of her own. And although I don't want to spend every waking hour talking about cartoon characters, I did initiate a conversation with her about Sponge Bob because her son seemed so excited to play with a SB toy he had found.
Me: "Oh, does he like Sponge Bob? My boys are obsessed with it now. They just started watching it and love it."
Her: "No. I don't let my kids watch Sponge Bob."
Ouch. Immediate conversation stopper as I begin to feel my ears turn red, and my face drain of all color out of shame.
Keep in mind, one of the tv's in the place had Sponge Bob on in the background and my 18 month old, who is in speech mind you and has yet to say 'da-da', is bouncing up and down in my arms, pointing to the tv and saying, "punge paw! punge paw!" No lie.

And then I got to thinkin' many people take this like high and mighty approach to Sponge Bob, "Oh...we don't let our children watch the likes of Sponge Bob and all of his immoral huligans on that show that he calls his friends." (Not a direct quote, but I am quite vertain it is what they are thinking.) But...this show has been on since 1999. Someone is watching this show!!!!!!!
And honestly, why not. Yes, Squidward says some unkind things. And Mr. Crab is a totally greedy grouch. But Sponge Bob...oh sweet Sponge Bob...why wouldn't you want your children to watch him? He is kind to everyone. He is always doing the nicest things for people so they feel loved and taken care of (Mr. Crab's daughter on her birthday). He is generous, incredibly hard working, a faithful and loyal friend, sentimental (I mean come on, he cried watching an underwater sunset people!), funny, doesn't conform to the norm-he is his own person, he keeps his house and closet spotless, and he has a pet snail that he takes care of which shows a tremendous amount of responsibility. Why wouldn't you wat your child to watch him. He's a great character on tv and I am tired of him getting such a bad rap. It is undeserved I tell you-UNDESERVED!
So yes, I wanted to tell this random mom what I thought: why Sponge Bob is a great character, unlike Dora who is allowed to wonder through the upsidedown jungle, around the oversized dancing chicken, and through tickle fingers farm with a monkey and NO PARENTS!
Yes, I wanted to tell this mom what I thought, but I was too busy praising Nate for actually saying "Punge Paw" and opening his 4th sucker for him.
This Joyful and Tired Mom is also,
The Sponge Bob loving Mom