Have you ever been loved like that by someone?
I have been so blessed in my lifetime to love people in this way, and be loved like this as well.
And as I was organizing my kitchen today I came across something I have kept for 8 years from three of my former Young Life girls. They, in their thoughtfulness, selflessness, bravery, (and I say with a humble heart)their love for me, did the impossible.
Here is one of the letters I received from them on my 23rd birthday when I came home from a date with Mark.
"Dearest Lindsey,
For your birthday we wanted to do something special for you. When we were thinking of ideas we decided to tackle the impossible. To do what no other man has done before. Clean your car. This was quite an adventure. We encountered many unidentifiable objects and learned a lot about you we didn't know! We decided to put together a list of things that we discovered while fishing through the piles of stuff in your car.
19 water bottles
11 coat hangers
10 school books
18 cd's
2 bags of beef jerky
2 sets of headphones
1 parking pass that you "never got"
1 toothbrush and toothpaste tube
1 razor
21 articles of clothing
2 very used brushes
16 LAX balls
8 pairs of shoes
1 blovkbuster movie-a month over-due
Plenty of spare change to pay for the blockbuster movie
1 banana peel that we guess to be around 2 years old
4 pairs of sunglasses
10 lollipop sticks
As you can see this was an interesting experience. However, for you we would gladly do anything! Happy Birthday!!!!
Love, Claire, Jackie, and Chelsea"
Thankfully, I am not this messy anymore. SERIOUSLY!!!!! But more than that I am so thankful that each of these amazing friends are still in my life. I can't believe after you cleaned my car you still loved me, and you continue to love me still. And I love each of you as well with a heart that explodes with joy and gratitude when I think of you.
To all my Thomas girls, I love you!
Still Semi-messy,
The Joyfulful and Tired Mom