So we found out today that our sweet baby boy, Drew, has an inguinal hernia and needs surgery. We haven't had a consultation with the pediatric general surgeon yet, and so the surgery date has not been set. I will be honest though, even though I know the surgery for a hernia is extremely common I am still near tears at the thought of my sweet, and often crazy, child having to go under general anesthesia.
I will continue to blog updates about his surgery and about his recovery. And about my emotional stability leading up to surgery.
But here is my question for everyone...
We don't need to eliminate all activity, but we do need to eliminate higher risk activites from his daily life until he has his surgery, and a few weeks following his surgery. So...how do we keep our little guy from his crazy climbing and flipping around the house? I mean, look at the picture above-that is our every day. And if you notice, Drew is the one in the center of the action. That is just who he is and how he rolls through this life. In the middle, and often the instigator of "crazy" in our home.
The Joyful and Tired Mom